We need your help
We need your help to keep Project Belize running. Without fundraising, we won’t be able to keep offering free and much-needed healthcare to the residents of the remote jungle villages of Belize.
Project Belize Inc. is a non-profit, tax exempt 501-C-03 corporation. All donations are tax exempt and go solely toward the purchase of medications for each year’s trip. There are no administrative or advertising expenses as all such costs are borne by the participants.
By clicking on the ‘donate button’ you’ll be taken through to Paypal, where you can make a secure donation online. If you’d like to donate via alternative means, please contact the Project Belize Treasurer, Pam Mueller: Muellermont@aol.com
Another way to help us raise money
Ask your employer if there is a match policy for any donations to a non-profit, such as Project Belize, Inc. This can double any donation.